Thursday, 18 October 2012

Crochet necklace

I've enjoyed playing around with some quick projects this week and one of the results is this crochet bow necklace. Each bow takes no more than half an hour to complete and would be a good project for a beginner because the stitches are super simple.


Friday, 12 October 2012

Fireside paraphernalia

When I moved to the sticks a little over a year ago one of the things I loved about the house was the fire in the living room. This beauty not only heats all the water and runs the central heating, it also does a good line in atmospheric and romantic light of an evening.

Anyway I'm ashamed to say that for all this time I've continued to use the ratty old gardening glove the previous owners left behind to open the doors when they heat up. You'll see from the picture below that this was not an item befitting a crafty bissum's home.

I decided it was about high time that I replaced the ratty glove with something a little sweeter. I hope you agree that the owl inspired crochet/applique creation is much more appropriate.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Crocheting with t-shirts

After what can only be described as a horrible but thankfully temporary loss of crafty mojo it's come back full swing with a little help from my good friends. Apologies for the hiatus.

When you meet a true crafting genius you begin to feel that everything is possible and there's no limit to what new skills you can learn. For me, my crafty soul mate is Marion, my fellow Bissum. Fueled by cakes and bucket loads of tea, I came away from a weekend with Marion having tried my hand at needle felting for the first time, rug making with wool and hooks and crocheting with strips of unwanted fabric.

Marion presented me on my arrival at her lovely home with the worlds fattest crochet hook. This beast promised to allow creation of bigger stitches and larger items in record time. It did not disappoint and not that I want to play favourites with my hooks, but this could be the best one of all.

We set to work cutting old t-shirts into a long continuous strip of fabric, stretching as we went and rolling it into a ball of yarn. I decided a new bath mat was in order so off I went using a simple treble crochet to whip up this mat in no time. It's 50cm across in diameter giving an overall circumference of around 160cm. Not bad for two old t-shirts eh?

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