About me


I'm Cat and I have a passion for finding thrifted treasures and giving them a new lease of life. I absolutely love sewing and make a lot of my own clothes and homewares. I am also slightly addicted to collecting vintage china and kitschy bits and bobs for the home (although I try not to let the clutter take over but it's a constant struggle).

I grew up in the antipodes but now have a little piece of Scotland to call my own. I take inspiration from my surroundings, including my gorgeous lurcher, Cleo and my two faithful chooks, Edith and Petunia. I am fortunate to have some amazing people in my life who have passed on some of their skills to me: my mother who first taught me to sew and knit (with a great deal of patience); my Aunt Isabel without whom my garden would be a barren wasteland; and my dear friend Marion who taught me to crochet, felt and lord knows what else. If Marion can't do it, it's not worth doing! Together Marion and I form Crafty Bissums which is the encompassing identity for the crafting work we do together.

I'm most happy when I've just come home from a successful thrift shop trawl and I'm drinking a cup of Lady Grey tea whilst sorting through my piles of textiles, haberdashery and bits of treasure, imagining what weird and (hopefully) wonderful creations they are about to become.
Anyway, enjoy reading and don't forget to say hello!

Question: what does the title of the blog mean?
Answer: Among the untrodden ways is part of a line from a beautiful poem called Lucy by William Wordsworth. I love the sentiment behind the poem about this girl who lived unseen and unknown by all around her, apart from the poet. We all have parts of ourselves that are 'untrodden' and it's my firm belief that these should be cherished because they make us who we are.

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