Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The collar obsession continues

I posted a while back about a collar I'd had a go at making one night. Since then I've improved the shape somewhat and here's some snaps of some collars I made last night. They're very, very quick to make and are an excellent way of using scraps of your precious vintage fabrics. They fasten with a button and crochet loop.

In the UK collars are on absolutely everything right now and they look awesome over a shirt/dress or worn as a necklace. If you're worried about looking like an adult woman who's still yearning for her school days (Rebekah Brooks anyone?) then spice your collar up with studs or spikes or wear with a more edgy garment underneath.
Sweet Cath Kidston material

Yes, this is fabric from the duvet cover which I recently used to make a bag.

This pretty floral number is from an obliging bed sheet

Monday, 26 November 2012

Good times in London

Last week I journeyed off to London for work and decided to tag on a few day of leisure at the end of the week with my great friend Hilary. Our feet barely touched the ground for four days. We went to the ballet at the Royal Opera House and to the National Theatre in the evenings. During our days we visited the Courtauld Gallery in the beautiful Sommerset House with it's magical skating rink, the Pre Raphaelites exhibition at the Tate Britain and the Hollywood Costume exhibition at the V&A.

We also managed to squeeze in a trip to Spitalfields market where all manner of newly crafted and rediscovered objects could be purchased for the right price. I quite liked this beaut yellow coat stand.

We also trawled Portobello Road market on Saturday which left me with not one but two rugs to haul back north, along with the most fab pair of Doc Martens. London's markets put Scotland to shame but we're making our way ahead and the Edinburgh Drill Hall market this Saturday coming is surely helping to put our craft scene on the map.

Fab shoes on fab new rug

We also made a special trip to Liberty, one of my favourite shops of all time. That however deserves it's own post such was the fantastic nature of the visit. So, in conclusion London left me knackered but smiling and happy.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Duvet cover bag

On waking this morning the sun was shining and the sky was blue (this is worthy of mention given the time of year and the fact that it's Scotland) and I was tempted to spend the day pottering in the garden, very tempted in fact. But no, I said! I have crafting purpose today which must be fulfilled - but how?

Lately my hands have been busy crocheting. Since I discovered this craft relatively recently I haven't been able to get enough of it, as my crafting buddy Marion can attest to. Today I wanted to get back to my first love though - sewing. Since making my first 'proper' bag in Design and Technology class in high school (which I still use by the way) I've always loved the craft of sewing. There's something about the instantaneous nature of it which appeals to the easily distracted part of my nature. I like being able to see results quickly and sewing certainly gives you that, even if you end up spending just as much time unpicking what you've just sewn (as I have more times than I care to mention).

Anyway today I felt like making a bag and a quick Google search led me to a tutorial written by a lovely lady named Jodie on her blog Ric Rac. The thing that caught my eye about this was the fact that it said the bag could be made in only one hour, again appealing to the more impatient amongst us. Now I've got to be honest, this did take me more than hour but part of that was definitely due to have several ball-throwing breaks with my beloved pooch, Cleo.

Anyway I've got to admit I'm reasonably chuffed with the results. This is the first time I've included magnetic snap closures (note the cute heart shape) on an item and now there's no looking back - they're going on everything now whether it needs it or not!

A pocket on the inside, just the right size for phone or several lipsticks.

My ingredients for the bag included flower power fabric courtesy of an old duvet cover and an obliging doily from my extensive collection. Onwards and upwards I say, I'm off to get cracking on the next one!

Friday, 9 November 2012

This little crafter went to market...

The Bissums are super excited about holding our first ever stall at a market very soon. We're going to be at a Christmas fair in central Edinburgh on Saturday 1 December.

We can't wait and are busy beavering away every spare minute we have making bits and bobs to take along. The hard part is not wanting to keep everything we're making!

I've taken a few moments to look on Pinterest for collections of stalls that have cheered the hearts of others. Here's a few I like:

Rene Trewern's collection

Deanne Wild's collection

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