What do you want your hallway to say about you? When the visitors to your home enter what is the first impression you want to make on them? Hopefully it's not something along the lines of "So, this is where good taste comes to die" or "I wonder how I can make a quick escape without this crazy girl noticing".
It's a constant battle for me to keep my tiny hallway tidy. There are just too many shoes and handbags vying for space and the cupboard where the coats are kept needs the application of both a knee and shoulder to the door before it will close. I know what you're thinking- time for a clear out. If only it were that easy.
Anyway, instead of focusing on the negatives I decided to add another bit of
clutter crafty goodness to the area. I already had a little collection of objets d'craft behind the front door (see below) which were themed red and had a few of my favourite bits and bobs, especially the mirror, a gift from a much loved Aunt.
For a good couple of months now I've had a line from an old Ben Lee song stuck in my head. The song is called 'Light' and I've liked this guy for a long time now and have fond memories of seeing him perform at the bar in my old University. Anyway I wanted to get the lyrics the attention they deserved and the result is the canvas below which is now hanging in my hallway. Hopefully it won't wierd out newcomers to house too much but frankly, who cares?! I used a wooden frame from Ikea and then stapled on my stitched-together fabric squares, topped with my embroidered handkerchief.
I know the purists out there in Embroidery Land would be shaking their heads and tutting at the thought of wonky, free-styling stitching like the sort here, but to me, something that mimics your own handwriting is a lovely way to capture a part of yourself and immortalise it for all time (or at least until you get fed up of seeing it and can't remember what the words meant).
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