As well as enjoying early morning cups of tea in the garden I've finally gotten around to making my doll face cushion. I've had this project in mind for many months now and can't believe I dragged my heels for so long. You could honestly whip this up in one night and I have a sneaky feeling more of these cuties will be popping up around the house in future. This little gal needs a guy to keep her company I think.
If you're in the mood to make one yourself here's some simple steps to follow.
- Trace a circle using your old school compass (if you still have it) onto a piece of paper making the diameter match your cushion pad. Add a small seam allowance but not too much, you want a nice snug fit. Cut out.
- Use the paper circle as a pattern to cut out one patterned piece of fabric (this will be the back of your cushion) and one plain piece (this will be the front face).
- Now using your paper circle, draw on the lips, cheeks and hair with pencil. Cut out each piece and use as a pattern to cut out on your chosen fabrics. I think it's fun to go a bit wild with the hair fabric and choose pinks and reds for the lips and cheeks.
- Pin the fabric face pieces to your front face circle and using a small zig zag stitch sew them on, sewing right at the edges. You want your stitch to catch the raw edges and enclose them to prevent fraying.
- Now you need to add some eyes. I drew mine onto the fabric with a fading marker pen. Then I placed the fabric into an embroidery hoop and back-stitched over the top of my outline.
- Place your finished front face piece right sides together with your backing circle and sew all the way round the edge leaving a big enough gap to insert your cushion pad.
- Turn inside out, insert the cushion pad and slip stitch the opening closed.
- Voila and your cushion is done!
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