After a lovely Sunday lunch with friends in Edinburgh I was getting ready to journey home when I spotted a heavily laden apple tree in my friends garden. Quick as you like I was out there filling a bag and seeing visions of my pudding future. I was not only going home with apples but also a generous haul of fresh vegetables from my other lovely friend's allotment. I in turn had bought them each half a dozen eggs from my two lovely hens and a homemade pudding. I think there's something so satisfying and heartwarming about sharing something of your own creation, be it food, drink or something a little more long lasting.
This evening I set to work peeling apples and collected another crop of blackberries from my garden. Being a good Kiwi girl at heart I turned of course to the
Edmonds cookbook for the sponge recipe that would perfectly complement my stewed fruit. I'm sorry to say I don't have a snap of the finished product since I forgot to take one in my haste to tuck in.
As autumn rolls on I am still hoping to enjoy a few more crops of berries, basil and cherry tomatoes from the garden before the weather starts to turn. I'm also hoping to try my hand at crab apple liqueur and I'm already thinking of what next summer will bring.
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